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“I see you have values like creative space & rest… but you also have impact and decisiveness,” an accountant said to me this week. “One is slow and measured; the other gives the sense of speed and movement. How do you see those fitting together?”

What a great question.

Our entire lives (as well as our businesses) are a beautiful and frustrating combination of these two sides.

You cannot “hustle” or “crush it” all the time; and living an entirely calm and paced life doesn’t fit the world we live in, where things break or go wrong at times. 

In my agency, we always start a new marketing relationship with “Foundations”: a series of four intense sessions to make sure we know what marketing we need to do, and why.

Foundations can be a tough sell sometimes. 

it doesn’t feel exciting and motivating to pause and work on a plan - plus, so many people feel like they’ve done that. They’ve got a logo, a website, and a marketing plan they ran through ChatGPT. Couldn’t we just get started??

Whatever things you have, when you start the marketing there are always, without exception, gaps. 

There are social media gaps, or team gaps, or strategic gaps. But there are gaps in your marketing: or else you wouldn’t be enquiring with someone about addressing it. 

And whilst you know all of that, it’s still frustrating to be like “RIGHT SERIOUSLY NOW, marketing”, only to be told you need to go through six sessions and get a plan put together. 

You’re tired of plans. You just want to move. 

As it turns out, we’ve walked these paths with different accounting travelers. So when someone wants to start walking, I know they might need different shoes, or a different path, depending on which destination they really want to reach.

Whatever the path, it’s critical to take the time to stop. 

You take the creative space, take the breath, before you get to the decisiveness, the impact, the movement. 

And once you do that, you’re good! You’re off and going. You have the right shoes, the right people with you. Your path veers off here to the left, but you know why. 

You need both the pause and the movement. 

#creativespace #juststop #juststart #justkeepgoing #marketing
Some days are for adventuring, some for exploring… and some, like today, are for wandering. 

It’s a wandering day. 

Happy Sunday #isleofmull #walking #islandlife #getoutside #onestepatatime #freshair
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