Maybe it’s not working…because it’s a new phase

KLR notes

KLR notesOn Monday, for the first time in 28 weeks, i stepped on the scale and had a gain of 1.4 pounds…and absolutely no idea why. 

I have only gained twice in that time period, and both times I had specific reasons that helped it make sense, and both were under 0.6 pounds each time. 

But this time…nothing I could think of.

I didn’t have a cheat day (or meal). 

I didn’t go over my calories (i actually went under them a few times).

I didn’t cut out exercising (I walked a little extra actually).

It wasn’t suddenly instantly gaining lots of muscle, and it wasn’t water weight, and it wasn’t all the other things. When i shared it on instagram, I had a LOT of messages from everyone suggesting could it be this and could it be that, and it wasn’t any of those things. I don’t mind at all people being helpful: but all the helpfulness simply pointed out that…

…this was weird.

It was out of pattern. 

It didn’t make clear sense. 

It took me most of Monday mulling it over to realise: I’m just in a new pattern now.

A new phase. 

I’ve lost 40 pounds since the 1st of April, and my body isn’t the same (and all for the better!) since that day. 

So it’s not going to follow the same patterns. 

I can’t do all the same things and expect all the same results.

Not for the whole journey, anyway. 

The things that have been working are still working (I cut out all sugar, count calories, and walk every day still). But there are things that don’t work so well.

So on Tuesday, I decided i needed to reset expectations and accept i was moving into a new phase. 

I decided to pay less attention to how the weight fluctuates…but in order to do so I made a few tweaks to the process and weighed myself every day for a week. I cut out all sweeteners, and stopped eating after 8pm – essentially introducing intermittent fasting. I paid more attention to what KIND of calories i was eating, not just the numbers. (Those of you who are accountants will appreciate that methodology. Sales alone isn’t enough: you need a good profit margin too. Ha!)

And the numbers went right back down. I actually ended up losing the 1.4 i had gained as well as losing another 1.8 pounds. (At least as of Friday morning.) 

I thought about how we move into different phases in lots of areas. Health is one – but also in our mental health. Emotional health. Spiritually. In our business or in our family. 

And the things that used to work suddenly stop working, and we panic. 


But we haven’t failed. And we’re still doing good. And good results are still coming. 

You just have to make a few tweaks, is all. 

So that’s what i did this week.

I admit after i worked it through I got a little annoyed that my discouragement with the gain on Monday took away some of my NSV’s (Non Scale Victories) which I’d experienced the week before. Clothes that would never fit before now did. Clothes that fit were so big i had to get rid of them and buy new ones. Energy to do so many things, so much more than I ever could have done earlier in the year. 

It’s happening in the business as well. We’ve changed a lot of small things and we’ve addressed some big things and we’ve gotten much closer as a team. We’ve had to make some very hard decisions and we’ve backed each other up in some tough situations. We’ve looked at how we take on new clients and we’ve changed the way we do that, to make sure that both they and we are 100% in (and we’re not just taking clients because they want to work with us). We’ve done a lot more small focused events rather than big massive exhibitions. We’ve partnered with some very cool companies. We’ve gone hard core focusing on our values (because values are everything), and we’ve changed our hiring process to make sure the values rule the entire process. 

We’re in a new phase there, too. And what worked great before has to be tweaked a bit. (And some of it involves even bigger changes.) 

So whatever area of your life you have where everything was going great, and you were ticking along, and all was well, and now suddenly something has happened which got you discouraged and confused…

is it possible you’re just moving into a new phase? That what used to work doesn’t work quite the same, and it’s time to rethink it a little?

It’s okay if you have no idea what the tweaks or changes are. The first step is to be honest about the thing that’s about to change. 

And that is the precursor to some very, very exciting stuff to come. 

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This week I took a trip down to Manchester for some strategy and finance meets with my own accountants. 

I captured a lot of video footage, none of it including the hours of meets, deep discussions, laughter, curious considerations, suggestions, advice, and support I got from the good people at @wearemap_ . But when you’re in the depth of those deep convos you don’t really remember to whip out the time lapse video (and tbf it would simply show a lot of talking!). 

MAP have been my accountants for over seven years and I continue to be daily grateful for their experience - and the way they ask good questions and suggest ways to think about situations but always respect that the decision and business are mine. 

Now I’m on my way back to Edinburgh and then home! Happy weekend all 🙏🏻❤️✨

(Ps the goofy faces are me attempting to record my video of the day yesterday! Ha!)

Day 55/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #accountants #businessadvice #advisors #financialmanagement #strategy #creativeagency
Still plugging away, day after day on this 100 day video challenge . 

I’m waiting until I’ve completed it to start gathering all the learnings…but I can tell you now that doing something every day for 54 days so far is definitely beginning to give me glimmers of progress. 

I continue to be curious about how I’ll sum it up when I’m done, but I can already see the impact of doing something small, every day, showing up, and seeing what happens.

What would you love to get even marginally better at? 

(Ps first time I’ve been BLEEPED on insta captions! Haha! Enjoy!!)

Day 54/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #video #justkeepgoing #makeyourshittypots #quantityfirst #oneatatime #persistence #progress #motivation
Another view from inside the Johnnie Walker experience: this is where you will pause to think all things branding. Yours, your firm’s…and the difference between them. 

In this room are alllll the different kinds of “labels” of JW whisky…red label, blue label, black label…and one of the workers explained he had “proper” names for all the whiskies, like Special Old Highland Whisky and Extra Special Old Highland Whisky. But since no one could remember which was which, they just pointed and said “the one with the black label” or the red label or whatever colour.

There’s SO much to learn here - about the “Striding Man” which is recognised as one of the world’s first brand logos - about connecting your brand to what people want and understand - and most importantly, for those coming to this workshop, considering who you are. How all of this applies to who you are today and what decisions you’ll make about your own personal brand, and how that connects to your business brand (or where it doesn’t). 

And what your Next Big Thing is. 

If you haven’t booked your place on this workshop yet, DM me for all the details. I’d love to see you there if it’s a fit for you - or have a chat about whether it is right for you just now. 

Day 53/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #personalbranding #brand #businessbranding #accountingfirm #firmowner #accountant #edinburgh #jwprincesstreet #brandingworkshop
If you stood on the rooftop, what would your view of your firm - and your role in it - look like? 

I’m running a personal brand workshop at the Johnnie walker experience  in Edinburgh in June, and this rooftop view is a good symbol for what you’ll get when you come. 

See the bigger picture: and your role in it (and above it). What’s your message, beyond that of your firm? Who are your people, beyond your firm’s audience? And what is your “personal brand”, beyond the brand for your business? 

We cover all this and more on 26 June! DM me for all the details and a free copy of the “personal v business brand” guide. 

Day 52/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #personalbranding #businessbranding #brand #creativeagency #accountants #marketing #businessworkshop #edinburgh #edinburghevents #johnniewalker #jwprincesstreet #brandworkshop