BOOK Notes: The Buddha in me, the Buddha in you

KLR note buddha in me buddha in you book 11-03-23

I read. A lot. My list of “books to read” has over 100 titles listed, and every time I mention a book I’ve appreciated, I get another recommendation of a new one and the list gets longer. 

One of the books recommended to me years ago was “The Buddha in Me the Buddha in You”, by one of the PF team. She mentioned it had some helpful principles about how we navigate life – and whether you’re a buddhist or not, there are principles you can learn from and apply in life. 

I wrote it down, forgot about it, and moved on with life. Read lots of other books. 

And then when I broke my ankle, and was sitting and resting a LOT, with loads of time for reading, I went back to my list and started reconsidering some of the titles on it. 

When I looked up “The Buddha in Me the Buddha in You”, the subtitle was “A Handbook for Happiness”, which struck a chord. 

Dealing with an injury is difficult. Sad. Wearying. It can be hard to find happiness and every day feels about the same.

So I bought it. I bought the hard copy, and put it by my bed, and started getting into a pattern of reading a chapter every morning with my coffee. 

In the past I never really liked reading books one chapter at a time. I’ve seen the suggestion often – “just read one chapter a day!” Or, “read a chapter of a book every day with lunch!” – but when I tried it, I got too distracted. I’d forget what I read the day before, and it felt really disconnected to try to read it that way. I preferred to read a book at one fell swoop. Get fully absorbed into it and focus on that topic before moving to another one. 

But my attention span (already minimal, and even shorter in the healing period) made that impossible, so I went with the one chapter a day approach and discovered to my surprise it was working. I had time to think on the topics. I had something to look forward to every morning. And the principles applied to all areas of my life – personal and business and relational and all – so it was a good way to start the day. 

A few weeks ago I finished it, and thought I’d share some of the principles I appreciated and which helped me straight away as I navigated my life during a healing time: 

Thank the spoon

If a glass appears to have clear water, but there’s mud and silt at the bottom, and a spoon stirs it all up, you become aware of the dirt (which you weren’t aware of before) and you can deal with it, so you’re grateful. It still sucks, but at least now you know what you’re dealing with. 

Same with hard things in life. If things appear to be going okay, and all is clear, and then suddenly something hard happens, it stirs up things you haven’t dealt with yet. And it sucks, but then over time you realise what it stirred up and you are grateful for the opportunity to deal with it. 

So you thank the spoon. Broken ankle? “Thank you, spoon.” Client who is disgruntled? “Thank you, spoon.” Car going reallllly slow in front of you? “Thank you, spoon.” And you deal with what has been stirred up.

Fundamental darkness 

Those of you who have studied the “ego” concept will recognise this – sort of the worst self, the “Survival Obsessed Self” who responds in a way  based on survival but not growth. I appreciate the term because ‘darkness’ feels like it accurately reflects where my soul and mind go sometimes. A dark place which isn’t the healthiest but it makes sense why I’d default to it. 

There’s a gift in the struggle 

This is a concept I’ve understood for some time, and appreciated the reminder. Any struggle, any difficulty, always has a blessing, a gift. There are good things which come from them. For me this doesn’t mean fake positivity, pretending everything is great when it’s not; but it does mean I insist on looking for the gift. 

We even turned it into one of our company values at PF, and defined positivity as believing there is always a gift and looking for it. Sometimes you look for it for a long time; sometimes you look whilst being angry or frustrated or weary; sometimes you give up and then revive yourself to try again. But there is always a gift. (It’s similar to the “thank the spoon” concept above.)

He describes it visually as “the lotus flower in the muddy pond”. You can focus on the mud, or on the flower, but they’re both there. 

Nam – myo – ho – renge – kyo : “The happiness soundtrack”

This is the Buddhist chant the author recommends, and the five principles are described in the book. I pulled out the core concepts of each as they applied to me, and they are: 

  • Purpose
  • Mystery
  • Potential 
  • Bloom in the struggle
  • Flow of life

Although chanting isn’t something I’m doing regularly, I appreciated these principles, and the reminder every day that…

  • I have a purpose unique to me
  • There are mysteries to consider as I go
  • There is greater potential I can lean into
  • I can choose to bloom in the struggle, to see the lotus flower in the muddy pond.
  • This all flows together in a bigger picture. 

There’s much more in the book, and I’m sure when you read it you’ll pull out other concepts helpful to you. But now you know some of them, and when you hear me thanking the spoon, or asking you what the gift is, you have a little more background to it. 

My question for you is…what are you reading right now? What are you appreciating about it? 

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Woke up naturally at 7am and there was some colour across the sky, so I took a little drive to enjoy the sunrise. 

I’d had great plans to go for a long drive on Saturday, but my body decided it was worn out, and the weather decided it was too. After a week of sunshine and snow and sharp edges, everything went grey and rather dreary. So I decided to take the hint and do nothing. 

Only to be rewarded with this today. So much quiet. 

Happy Sunday. ❤️☀️✨
January isn’t my month for resolutions. It’s going to be February.

I’ve done the resolutions thing. Bought notebooks. Made lists. 

But January is smack-dab in the middle of a deep cold winter. Nature itself is still hibernating, still thinking. There are no buds on the trees. The ground is cold and frozen, like rock. There’s snow and ice, and frost every morning on my windows.

It’s a time for being cosy and wrapping up. For long walks in the cold, and coming inside to drink hot mulled things and wrap up by the fire.

And, if you have headspace, starting to reflect on the last year and consider the one coming ahead.

January is for reflection.

After the reflecting can come the resolving.

I’m a fan of resolving things when it’s time to resolve them. The time of year doesn’t matter if your previous thinking on the matter leads you to a decision. Make the decision. Resolve the thing.

But I’m also a fan of rhythms, and patterns. I believe most January resolutions are a reflection of things which have been considered for some time. They’ve been hovering in the background for months. You’ve been thinking about it and now the new fresh new year is a time to take action.

So if you haven’t had that time to reflect, you still need it. I definitely do. Last autumn was one of the toughest, most exhausting times of my life in many areas. I adjusted my business, my living space, my location, my mindset. Implementing them took more energy and time and brain space than I expected.

So I’ve decided January is my month for reflection. I’ll let things simmer. Review, read back. Consider. Ask for help. Have conversations with fellow agency owners. Stir up energy and excitement again.

By February I’ll be in a place for resolutions. My birthday is in early Feb, which is also a perfect time for new starts.

So the Gregorian new year may start in January, but my own personal new year starts in Feb.

How about you? When is a good new year for you?

#creativeheadspace #motivation #resolutions #newyear #newyearnewme #reflections #january
Just wanted to let you know I recorded a super great video to introduce my talk at the upcoming Labs event 😆😆

Actual video without grimaces or despair coming soon 

But honestly we all like the bloopers best right???

Tell me if you’re coming - would be great to see you there!

#marketing #agency #accountants #engagerlabs #event
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