Choose your own new year

Choose your own new year - Karen Reyburn

Happy new year… to me!!

You may remember I decided to move my new year to my birthday (which is today).

January is a cold, dark, wet, windy, wild month: and I had some recuperating to do from all the Christmas travels.

(Here’s the LinkedIn post about it if you want to catch up on the whys and wherefores)

I’m pleased to say I’ve used my January well – slowly and gently – and now I’m fired up for new things and a new year for me! I’m also staying on my favourite island of them all, so I’m winning there too.

Birthdays (and new years) are a good time to look ahead. What’s coming? What are my rocks and pebbles? What do I want to look back at and be glad I did, this year?

Here are some of the things I’m motivated by for my year:

📖 Publishing my second book “Accountants are creative too”. 

Or at least, getting as close as damn possible!! I’ve learned a lot from the first book, and equally I’m reminded that the book process can be a little unpredictable: mostly because it involves me, and my energy, and my commitments. I’m determined to keep this as one of my “rocks”, and not let the pebbles creep in.

Get on the waitlist: Get on the list to confirm you want to be the first to hear updates about this book. .

→ Book a creative chat: To help make the book as relatable as possible, I’d love to talk to accountants about how you do (or don’t) consider yourself creative. And what creativity means to you. Get in touch if you want to arrange this

❤️ Retreats and workshops! 

I’m planning a Personal Brand Workshop in May, and a Writers’ Retreat in September. Last year’s two client retreats on the Isle of Mull were something I enjoyed, grew from, saw others grow from, and want more of. I keep looking back at my notes from that retreat and seeing progress I never imagined. If all that was possible last year, let’s do it again with a focused theme!

→ Get on the waitlist: Get in touch to let me know you want details on the Personal Brand workshop or the Writers’ Retreat (or both!).

💡 Creative Headspace: my new email newsletter

These weekly email notes will continue, but they’re being renamed! Better yet, once a month I’m going to be sending out an email newsletter (of the same new name) summarising:

  • What I’m writing
  • What I’m reading
  • What I’m listening to
  • Who I’m talking to
  • What I’m wondering
  • Quote of the month
  • Photo of the month

This monthly newsletter will give you an insight into my creative mind, and spur you on to further develop your own creativity. And maybe take a breather for a moment to get some head space.

Soon you’ll notice that Creative Headspace emails will be sent out on FRIDAY mornings, rather than Saturdays. This is because (thanks to progress I’ve made with my own space) I am now able to prioritise it during the week instead of tacking it on at the end of the week.

🤩 Personal Brand services for accountants

This I am SO excited about. For over 12 years my agency has been serving accountants who are firm owners, and helping them with their business marketing. (Still are doing that!) Now that many of those firm owners are seeing success in their firms, they’re starting to lift their heads up and think, hey, what about this personal motivation or project I want to do? Like Cheryl who provides mentoring for domestic abuse survivors. Or James who is the “sustainability guy” and helps accountants see the business case for helping their clients be aware of and adjust their carbon footprint. Or Nesha who helps female accountants overcome ordinary obstacles so they can do extraordinary things.

I’ve also learned a lot about my own personal brand, as for the last two years I’ve been actively creating the KLR brand and beginning to show how it’s different from (but still connected to) the PF brand.

So if you are either considering, or actively looking at, what your personal brand is…stay tuned! This is your place!

I’d love to hear from you….

Which of these areas – your creative headspace, personal brand, retreats – resonates with you most?

Connect with me on LinkedIn to chat to me about any of these things!

Follow me


From mull to London! Enjoy my travels! 

Someone asked me last night “how did you travel? Was it driving, flying, train…?”

Answer is yes, all the travels! Driving, ferry, driving, flight, Uber, hotel. (No train actually but I did see one traveling spookily through the night, on my way down.) 

#isleofmull #travels #businessroadtrip #claritybootcamp #glasgow #london #ferry #flight #justkeepgoing
Almost two weeks on the island already! *happy sigh 

#happyplace #homeishere #isleofmull #islandlife #justkeepgoing #scotland