Category Archives: Karens Notes

I don’t actually want to be polarising

The best way to get engagement is to make strong, polarising, even outrageous statements.  You’ll get more likes. More views. More haters too, but then that counts as engagement cos you can respond to them and then more people see it and that’s the point, isn’t it? More people, more comments, more visibility? Maybe. Maybe for

“Target audience”? You’re not shooting at them. You’re inviting them.

‘Target audience’ is one of those marketing phrases which gets used without a great deal of thought. Yes, you could also say ‘ideal audience’ or ‘client avatar’ or some other official sounding phrase, but as with all marketing terminology I prefer to question everything. Target. Why target? Where does that come from? A target is

The #pf100days video challenge: why we avoid video & what to do about it

As you may have noticed, we’re doing a 100 days video challenge for accountants who want to get better at video. And the best video coach is….you, doing more video.  Think of a child learning about how video works. They see you on your phone, and they want to hold it. If you let them hold