Tag Archives: planning

Cancelling things is a superhero skill

As business owners, we’re interested in trustworthiness. We want to be known as someone – and a company – who can be trusted; and we want to work with those who are the same.  We’re also (and I speak absolutely for myself here) stubborn to a point.  We can do it. We will do it.

Planning is everything (and then it’s easy)


This week I finished the DIY project of my downstairs bathroom. When I say “DIY”, this means “I hired a joiner to completely renovate the entire room and then I painted it”, which I say counts. But actually that was part of the problem. I figured once the joiner had come in to strip the

Do I need to block out a full day at a time to get marketing done?

KLR notes block out day 12-12-20

Right, you’re going to be serious now. You’re going to focus your energy and attention on marketing a bit more (maybe this is your 2021 plan).  But you know marketing always gets put off. You plan an hour or some time to “do marketing” and then you get emails and messages and phone calls and

I will not let the dark days (of winter) bring me down

It’s winter, and that means darkness. I live in Scotland, and in the summer it’s almost never dark at all. The sun comes up so early (and so calmly) that you hardly even notice – even if you stay up or get up to watch it, there’s just sort of a general lightening of the