Holiday Expectations: Will you “use” the time, or let it go by?

Holiday Expectations: Will you “use” the time, or let it go by?

Holiday Expectations: Will you “use” the time, or let it go by?

Holiday can be hard to think about when you’re feeling a bit swamped. 

You want it and are excited about it; you need it; but you may also be tempted to make sure you “use” your holiday time for thinking about the business. Planning. Writing some content. 

Actually having headspace seems like a huge opportunity.

The key is expectations. Yours, and your clients’ expectations. 

You want to plan what you absolutely will and won’t do when you’re on holiday: and it’s completely your choice how you use it. Whether you do absolutely NO content whatsoever during that time (or no business at all), or whether you use the odd hour here or there to catch up on a few things. 

I’m a big fan of the complete switch-off: no email, no Slack, no content writing, no business books even. And I strongly recommend you allow yourself to be bored.

We don’t do enough boredom. 

Boredom is at the heart of creativity, because from boredom comes curiosity. 

You start thinking about things. Not necessarily work things, although of course that will happen. But just life things. How does this work? What did that person say and what did it mean? Where have you been meaning to travel to but haven’t got round to? 

You pay more attention to people. To your family, or those you are on holiday with. Even strangers. You’re more relaxed, chat cheerfully with the person at the hotel desk or the coffee shop or the poolside. 

You read and consume different content. Whenever I’m on holiday, I go into a bookstore with a completely different mindset. I pick up something I wouldn’t normally think about – last time I was in Dublin I picked up “How to break up with your phone”, and another trip i bought a big photography book about people who went off the grid and lived in the wild (and took photographs of their journey). 

I’m taking two full weeks off at the end of august – my sister and her husband are coming for a long (and i mean looooooong) anticipated trip to Scotland, and we’ll be on two remote islands reminding ourselves of the value of a slower pace of life. I’ve been planning for months how I’ll be disconnected – preparing the team, running trainings and building out our PF Way so everything is well documented, and mentioning it to clients so they know too. 

I do believe the complete switch off is necessary at least once or twice a year, but you can certainly consider two options:

1. Decide to do nothing at all. If you decide this, stick to it, and you’ll realise the refreshment you got will enable you to be more productive when you return.

2. Decide that doing some work is OPTIONAL, and create a list of things you’d like to write or create. Remember though, if you don’t get to them, there’s no guilt.

(I wouldn’t even consider a REQUIRED option of content – otherwise what’s the point of a holiday?)

When it comes to your clients, you’ll want to make sure you’ve communicated clearly to them, too. How have you dealt with holidays in the past? How will you deal with it this time? 

If you have a team to take care of things when you’re away, it’s simple. Put on the out of office, mention it to a few clients ahead of time, job done. 

If you’re on your own, make sure clients know what kind of holiday it is. Are you “off off”, where they can’t reach you at all? What do they do if there’s an emergency of some kind? Will you be checking here and there throughout the time you’re away? 

When it comes to social media and going silent, I assure you no one really notices. If you don’t want to specifically say you’re on holiday in Majorca or at a family wedding or whatever, just post that you’re going quiet on social in order to focus on a few things in the business (it’s true, because you’re focusing on yourself, so you have a better business).

What I’d love for you to reply with is: 

Where you’re going on holiday, and whether you’ll switch off completely, or create the optional content list?

I’ll be on the Isles of Mull and Skye for the last week in August, and the first week in September! Doing no work at all! Maybe a little sketchnoting though. Just for fun.


I send these tips and sketchnotes out every Saturday! Sign up to get them here.

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Still plugging away, day after day on this 100 day video challenge . 

I’m waiting until I’ve completed it to start gathering all the learnings…but I can tell you now that doing something every day for 54 days so far is definitely beginning to give me glimmers of progress. 

I continue to be curious about how I’ll sum it up when I’m done, but I can already see the impact of doing something small, every day, showing up, and seeing what happens.

What would you love to get even marginally better at? 

(Ps first time I’ve been BLEEPED on insta captions! Haha! Enjoy!!)

Day 54/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #video #justkeepgoing #makeyourshittypots #quantityfirst #oneatatime #persistence #progress #motivation
Another view from inside the Johnnie Walker experience: this is where you will pause to think all things branding. Yours, your firm’s…and the difference between them. 

In this room are alllll the different kinds of “labels” of JW whisky…red label, blue label, black label…and one of the workers explained he had “proper” names for all the whiskies, like Special Old Highland Whisky and Extra Special Old Highland Whisky. But since no one could remember which was which, they just pointed and said “the one with the black label” or the red label or whatever colour.

There’s SO much to learn here - about the “Striding Man” which is recognised as one of the world’s first brand logos - about connecting your brand to what people want and understand - and most importantly, for those coming to this workshop, considering who you are. How all of this applies to who you are today and what decisions you’ll make about your own personal brand, and how that connects to your business brand (or where it doesn’t). 

And what your Next Big Thing is. 

If you haven’t booked your place on this workshop yet, DM me for all the details. I’d love to see you there if it’s a fit for you - or have a chat about whether it is right for you just now. 

Day 53/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #personalbranding #brand #businessbranding #accountingfirm #firmowner #accountant #edinburgh #jwprincesstreet #brandingworkshop
If you stood on the rooftop, what would your view of your firm - and your role in it - look like? 

I’m running a personal brand workshop at the Johnnie walker experience  in Edinburgh in June, and this rooftop view is a good symbol for what you’ll get when you come. 

See the bigger picture: and your role in it (and above it). What’s your message, beyond that of your firm? Who are your people, beyond your firm’s audience? And what is your “personal brand”, beyond the brand for your business? 

We cover all this and more on 26 June! DM me for all the details and a free copy of the “personal v business brand” guide. 

Day 52/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #personalbranding #businessbranding #brand #creativeagency #accountants #marketing #businessworkshop #edinburgh #edinburghevents #johnniewalker #jwprincesstreet #brandworkshop
After all….life is for livin’. And that’s not only at the weekends. 

Happy Monday! 

Day 51/100 Video Challenge 

#100dayvideochallenge #100days #Life #living #wisewords #happymonday #yougotthis #motivation #mondaymotivation