Travels in photography: Vienna, Austria

Austria at Christmas time. It conjures up the idea of mountains, snow, grey skies, brightly-lit Christmas markets with all sorts of wares, carols sung in front of a cathedral, and the beauty of old European cities.

We were thrilled to discover that Vienna met our expectations in all of these areas. It was cold, but a sharp cold without rain (as one who lives in Scotland, this is a critical point of notice). Most of all it was lovely to just wander the city streets, going where we wanted to go and being surprised around every corner by something new and beautiful that we had never seen.

Christmas market hut

Schönbrunn Palace

Neptune Fountain, Schönbrunn Palace

The birds and ducks were slightly confused, but had fun!

Duck in decision mode

Gloriette colonnade, Schonbrunn Palace

My sister and travel companion!

Next blog post: Salzburg!

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I use filler words in writing. 

I scramble around saying, “The point is, there are things which are definitely most important, which we need to make sure we do…” as opposed to “Do these things.” 

Before sending a book manuscript to my editors, I go through a long list of words and phrases I tend to overuse. 

In my first book, I cut out hundreds of these. 

With my second book, I’d been more aware of them whilst writing: but I still found multiple instances requiring the chopping block. 

Words like “just”, or “kind of”, or “simply”. 

A word being on the list doesn’t mean it’s automatically removed. 

There’s nothing wrong with using the word “definitely”, or “in my experience”. 

What I’m looking for is an overuse of a word or phrase, which distracts from the point I’m making. 

Your list of words and phrases will be different: but you’re looking for words or phrases which:

🔁You repeat often (enough to notice)

- things like “remember”, “simply”, “absolutely” 

➕Add nothing more to the sentence (if you removed them, it would say the same thing)

- “After all, hiring your first employee is definitely a challenge” vs “Hiring your first employee is a challenge.”

💪Minimise the impact (without them, the statement has more power)

- “One of the best ways to protect your cash flow is to send deposit invoices” could be replaced with “Send deposit invoices”

Here’s my list. Yours will be different, but I encourage you to start one – even if it only has a few words on it so far! 

After all
At least
Be able to
In my / our experience
In order to
Kind of
….the rest of the list is in the full post (in comments)! 

✨Creative headspace goes out every Friday to your inbox, if you want it to! 💪💌✨

#writing #writersofinstagram #bookediting #edits #books #creativeheadspace #fillerwords
They are coming. 

#lordoftherings #fellowshipofthering #thenazgûl #ringwraiths #getofftheroad #frodobaggins #thering