It doesn’t matter why the prospect didn’t come back to you

Following up on clients sales - Karen Reyburn

If the prospect doesn’t come back to you, the answer is not “Oh well, they weren’t that interested anyway.”

The answer is “I need to keep following up until I get an answer”.

There are endless reasons a prospect might not come back to you. Here are just a few. 

  1. They wanted a sense of costs and now they need to go back to their budget
  2. They got in touch when they were inspired and motivated, but the inspiration faded so it feels less urgent
  3. There was a major health issue or accident in their life or a family member’s
  4. They’re talking to other suppliers 
  5. They didn’t like you
  6. They liked you all right, but there wasn’t enough to motivate them to keep meeting with you
  7. They decided to give it another go with the supplier they were considering leaving
  8. They don’t know what they want
  9. They lost a big client
  10. They gained a big client 
  11. A team member left
  12. Multiple team members left
  13. They actually intend to sign up, but they’re swamped and three weeks have gone by in a flash 
  14. …or one of an endless list of reasons you don’t know about.

The point is, it DOESN’T MATTER. 

Whatever they’re going through is theirs: all you are responsible for is staying in touch with them.

Until they say no. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking. 

“You’re telling me to email them every few days and ask ‘Are you ready to start yet?’ I don’t want to do that. That’s annoying. I hate it when someone does that to me.”

Nope, that’s not what I’m saying. You notice I only said you’re responsible for staying in touch. 

Staying top of mind. 

You might: 

  • Send them something helpful:
    An article. A video. A recording of a masterclass. An online course you think they’d appreciate. A tip relating to something you talked with them about.
  • Invite them to something:
    A live event, a workshop, a review session or diagnostic or healthcheck.
  • Follow them on social media:
    Connect on LinkedIn with a personal note, or follow on Instagram or TikTok. Comment on a few of their posts (not like a stalker, but like a normal interested person).
  • Send a reminder of the quote or proposal:
    This could be just a short email. “Hey, this quote is still here which I imagine means you still have a few questions. No question is too small! Drop me a reply with one or two of them and I’ll do my best to answer.”
  • Send an FAQ post or video:
    “I’m sure you have questions about the quote we sent – here’s a list of all the questions clients have asked us in the past, in case any of these apply!”
  • Address a worry or fear you expect they have:
    “A lot of people we talk to are worried about [this]. In case that applies to you too, here’s a [type of content] on how we address that!”

There’s a real progression to follow-up: and it’s sort of backwards to the buyer progression model. 

The buyer progression model says that the buyer starts out slow, absorbing content or noticing you’re around, and over time connects more and more until one day they reach out and then suddenly there’s a lot of contact. 

The follow up progression model reflects the fact that after that initial flurry of contact, they begin to fade away a bit. 

So your follow up can match that. Something like: 

  • For the first 3 days, you send an email or make a connection every day
  • Then you move to twice a week for two weeks
  • Then once a week for a few weeks
  • Then once a month for a month or two 
  • Then every other month
  • And here’s the kicker: you DON’T STOP.  You stay in touch, every month or two, little touch points of even the smallest kind (a comment on one of their LinkedIn posts), until you finally get an answer. 

Eventually, you’re going to find out if they want to work with you or not. 

They’ll either say “we went with this other company”, or you’ll see from a post or comment that they did. 

“Worst case” they’ll unsubscribe from your emails, or will disconnect from you on the socials…but that’s hardly a ‘worst case’ since you got your answer. 

It is actually incredible how many people you’ve spoken to over the past year who really did (or still do) want to work with you. 

Yes, maybe they’re tired or worried or are trying to sign a big client or a few team members left or they’re buying new premises… but you’re the accountant. 

If they were your client, it’s literally your job to stay connected with them, update them, make sure things get done on time so they don’t incur penalties. 

How much more do they want to see you do that during the pre-sales process? 

Give it a try this week. Go back to a prospect you met with a month ago, a few months ago. Someone you followed up twice and then either consciously gave up, or simply forgot about them. 

Remind yourself about them, and then remind them you’re still around in some small way. 

Ultimately, what you want is an answer. Yes, or no. 

If they say maybe, they’re not sure yet, keep following up.
If they ask questions, answer them, and keep following up.
If they say I’m really busy, keep following up.
If they say nothing, keep following up. 

Don’t you give up. Most of them really don’t want you to. 

Oh – and remember, you’re always 100% in charge of whether you take them on or not. So if you didn’t like them, or don’t want to work with them, or didn’t get good vibes, or they were rude, or they literally don’t have the budget to work with you…it’s okay to remove them from your follow up list. 

If you’re not sure yet, do more follow up until you do know. 

Let me know how you get on!

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I started the 100 day video challenge on what felt like a whim…but it was actually my third attempt!

This time I was bound and determined to do it, no matter what.

Whether I was sick, or travelling, or about to fall asleep…I’d get up and record the video.

Austin Kleon talks about showing up and “seeing what happens” – and that resonated.

The goal was to do it. To finish. And see what happens. 
Here’s a little of what I learned along the way!

1. I can tell a story, or I can educate, in 90 seconds. But not both.
Having a max time of 90 seconds helped me be focused. If I started telling a story, I’d  get to about 70 seconds and realise I’d never finish in time. So I’d start again, and pick just ONE point to get across. That was hard but good practice.

2. If I start with a theme, I can capture short videos during the day and compile them.

When I began the day knowing the theme (travel, puffins, water, whatever), I’d capture short videos all day long, and stitch them together at the end with some music. 

It’s the atomic habits concept. 

Adding on a little habit to things you’re already doing. I’d capture 3 seconds of video as I walked through the train station, and it didn’t take much extra effort.

3. You don’t have to hit record to practise your video.

I often did the whole video multiple times before I ever pressed “record”. I’d be out for a walk and start saying aloud some of the phrases or stories I wanted to share. Other times I would hit record, leaving me with ten (or twenty or thirty) short videos to delete later.

4. Being on social media every single day is hard.

I didn’t think through the mental impact of being present on social media, and not missing a single day, for 100 days.

Towards the end I was really looking forward to being able to take a day off. To ignore Insta (or any of the socials) for a day or a week if I want. To fall into bed without suddenly going “Oh no….did I do my video today??”

I’m glad I did it, but I’m also glad to have some freedom and headspace back! 

✨🏆This is taken from my Creative Headspace note: the full note gets sent out by email every Friday. 💌

➡️To be on the list, sign up using link in bio!
Instant change can shock or surprise you. 

You don’t know what to do with it, so you can default to fear. Or confusion. Or reverting to the way you did things before. 

One of my coaching clients is working on changing his approach with the business owners he talks to.

“Up til now I’ve been very me and company centric,” he told me. “And it’s time for that to change.” 

It’s always been accounting, bookkeeping, numbers focused. Nothing about motivations or emotions. 

He read the Accountant Marketer and is now working through each of the sections with me so he can apply them to his firm. 

But even slight changes like asking new prospects, “So, what motivated you to start this business?” is an adjustment. 

But we make changes because we want some kind of change to happen. 

This firm owner wants to get more of the kind of clients he loves working with: and that means opening up with prospects. 

Asking deeper questions. Listening. 

This change will have an impact on the firm’s numbers. On their operations. On the conversations they have as a team. 

We talked about sending out emails to existing clients to offer a conversation about strategy and big picture and motivations, but after testing it with a few clients, he got no takers. 

They’re not used to this. It’s too big, too dramatic. 

So instead he will adjust gradually, in stages. 

In the next client meet, ask one small question. 

How were things in the business this week? Anything which is particularly tough for you right now? 

Something to start that level of conversation going. 

They may not answer it. They may not feel comfortable with that: and that’s okay. But the very tiny changes will be easier to accept than something dramatic. 

Instead of going 0 to 100, can you stage it? 


then 50-50…

then 80-20…

…and then when you’re ready, 100-0. 

#theaccountantmarketer #change #stages #justkeepgoing #onestepatatime #progress 

➡️This is from my “creative headspace” notes which go out every Friday. These remind you to change your perspective. Pause. Look around. Breathe. To be on the list, follow the link in bio.💪✨