Failed marketing ideas that were never used

Brainstorm all your ideas

Brainstorm all your ideas

This week, I remembered something we brainstormed at PF about five years ago.

Something that never got off the ground. An idea that seemed incredibly brilliant at the time, but didn’t happen.

Looking back at it now I’m so grateful we didn’t go this route. (I admit this has been responsible for a LOT of laughter as I’ve shared it with others this week. I’ve even had a few laughs as I’m writing and sketching this note.)

This all came to pass about five years ago. Long before the PF rebrand and the creative agency as it is now. We were having a team meeting and brainstorming ideas around the way we help accountants.

We didn’t have the marketing map we have today, and looking back I can see we didn’t have the clarity of structure around what we offer and why.

We did still have a progression of what we offered accountants. Content to build awareness, free things, paid courses & programmes, monthly retainers, one-off projects.

And as we looked at the variety of what was available to accountants, and thought about the variety of stages accountants were at when it came to marketing, we had a brilliant idea.

We would give names to the ‘routes’ accountants could take to do marketing.

Some accountants want to move fast, we had learned. They knew the value of marketing, they’d learned a bit about it, they were ready to invest big in terms of time and money.

Other accountants weren’t ready yet. They’d been burned before, or hadn’t tried marketing at all, or had no clue where to start, or they were still building their marketing budget.

We wanted to reflect these various options. We sat round a table, with a flip chart and a whiteboard, and somehow we thought of using animals to reflect the various stages, or speeds of marketing.

You could go really fast – something like a cheetah, or a hare.

You could go slower – a turtle, a snail.

I know. Please, believe me…I know. Looking at it now I’m thinking….

…a snail????

Who in the wide world wants to be a snail? Who’s going to look at a series of marketing packages and go, “Ah, yes, excellent. A snail. THAT’S the direction for me. I’d like to go so slowly that my progress can’t be seen, and I’d like to leave a trail of slime as I do it.”

The flip side – the faster option – feels just as ridiculous.

We went far beyond just cheetah. A cheetah wasn’t fast enough for us. We wanted fire, and flame, and swooping through the air bringing fear to all the other accountants who were simply hopping along on the ground as a frog.


The options were, in order from slow to fast:

  • Snail
  • Turtle
  • Frog
  • Rabbit
  • Cheetah
  • Dragon

I do remember some laughter at the time. I’m pretty sure one of the team members pointed out that being a ‘turtle’ might not seem too appealing to an accountant considering marketing, and might make them feel like their results would be as slow as the related animal.

Our intentions were good. We knew not all accountants are alike, and not every “target client” acts in the same way. There are different options for different people.

But I see now why we never did anything with it. Never went through with it.

First, it wasn’t on brand. At that time the old PF logo was blue and grey and slightly formal and a little boring, to be honest. But even with those dull visuals, we still had a sense of the “brand” of the company, which was that we wanted to inspire accountants. To help them feel confidence that they were hiring an agency with authority, expertise, experience.

Second, it wouldn’t have been appealing to our target audience. This approach gives a real patronising feeling to someone considering hiring a marketing agency – as if no one would want to be anything less than a cheetah or a dragon, and you’re cheap or foolish to go with Turtle (much less Snail).

And finally, it’s because “packages” don’t work. No one is completely Snail, or completely Dragon. Some firms we work with are enthusiastic, ambitious, and ready to invest in a big way: but it takes them a while to come to the decision. Other firms are small, startup, with very little of a marketing budget at first: and yet they discover they’re ready to invest in a big way on their brand, or in learning about marketing.

It’s not about forcing people to decide how fast or slow they want to go, and trying to squeeze them into something that works.

Instead, it’s about getting to know the firm and the humans behind it. The pain they feel, the emotional upheaval that can come when you’re considering marketing, the frustration at having done nothing or the wrong thing or wasted money in the past. That’s what we have to tap into. That’s the kind of conversation we have to have.

Then we can help direct them to what will deliver the very best kind of results.

We do have a visual structure now. It’s called the Marketing Map. It visually represents the journey most firms take, in the order they take it.

It’s been created based on our experience of the direction most firms go when they get the very best kind of clients – and it helps other accountants see how they can go the most helpful route possible. It’s the core of every conversation with an accountant, talking through why it matters that you go in that order, why you might miss out on amazing results if you don’t, and why the services we’ve created are based on it.

But there are no animal names.

I’m so incredibly grateful for that.

Got any failed-marketing-idea stories?? Do share them!! Let’s have a laugh together!

I send these tips and sketchnotes out every Saturday! Sign up to get them here.

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When someone asks you, “Why?” about anything, it raises a little defensiveness.

Or even a lot.

You tell someone, “I’m thinking of moving to Spain” and they say, “Oh really? Why?”

Your brain jumps to your defence. “Well because this! And that! And our current house is really nice, but it’s so near the city, and we go back and forth to Spain so often…”

You feel like you need to prove something. The question infers the person asking doesn’t understand, or perhaps doesn’t agree.

This may not be the case at all. They may be genuinely curious. But even when they are, a ‘why’ question will still stir up a need to prove yourself.

“We’re getting rid of our offices.” “Oh really, why?”

Now think about how it would feel if instead of “why”, you were asked a “what” question. 

“I’m thinking of moving to Spain.”
“Oh really? What do you love about Spain?”

We’re getting rid of our offices.”
“Oh, what will you switch to?”

In every case, the ‘what’ question is exploratory. Open. It accepts the proposed change, and wants to know the situation – the facts which led to the decision.

When you answer a factual question, there’s no judgement.
You’re simply explaining what happened.

Spain is where you’ve gone on holiday every year for the last ten years, and you find yourself going there more.

Remote or hybrid working is better for you and the team, because you’ve hired people who live further from the original offices.

In most situations, you can switch from a ‘why’ question to a ‘what’ question very easily – and it will open up the conversation more!

I’d love to hear what happens (see what I did there) when you try it!

Oh – this is primarily for ‘why’ questions from adults. When a small child asks why, it’s usually because they truly don’t understand. And maybe that’s…why. If you say “the train isn’t coming today,” and the child asks, “But why?”…it’s because they really don’t know. They don’t have all the facts, and they don’t get it. Probably disappointed, too. So you answer them, because you’ve read the board or checked up on the situation and now you all know why.

What’s something you are excited about this week?

#creativeheadspace #accountants #questions
I’m not actually bummed about the grey weather we’re having. Here’s why.

I went for a walk in the MORNING today, which felt like i’m winning at life. 🏆 

Lately I’ve been fitting in my daily walk at 9 or 10pm after a long day of meetings. I’m super grateful for the way it’s still light so late at night, but a walk-at-end-of-day doesn’t have the same motivational kick as the walk-at-the-start. 🌑 

So that one little thing I did puts me at champion status, and affects my entire mindset for the day. 💪 

There are a lot of contributing factors to this morning’s walk, but the top one was that it was grey, cool, and windy...which is far more motivational to me than bright sunshine. 🌬 

I know, it’s weird.

The rest of britain is like UGH WHAT A SHIT SUMMER and i’m here going um...i really, really love the rain. And clouds. And cool breezes. And grey skies. ☔ 

I’ll join in the conversation and be like yea, yea, it really does suck...but that’s just to start conversation and show British solidarity. Deep down I don’t think it does suck. 👀 

I do like sunshine, but after spending 25 years of my life in Arizona, I don’t love or crave the heat. ☀ 

Anything over about 20 degrees and i start getting a bit antsy...and my limit is “23 with a breeze”. 😎 

If it’s higher than that I’ll literally hide inside, not rush out to sit in a beer garden or at the beach. I really don’t enjoy heat at all. 

So thanks grey skies and wind, you helped a lot today. 💪 

Just me? Everyone else dreaming of 30+ degrees and sunshine?? It’s okay if you are...i just...don’t get it. 🤣 

#justkeepgoing #walkoftheday #goodmorning #wegotthis #onestepatatime #motivation