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I use filler words in writing. 

I scramble around saying, “The point is, there are things which are definitely most important, which we need to make sure we do…” as opposed to “Do these things.” 

Before sending a book manuscript to my editors, I go through a long list of words and phrases I tend to overuse. 

In my first book, I cut out hundreds of these. 

With my second book, I’d been more aware of them whilst writing: but I still found multiple instances requiring the chopping block. 

Words like “just”, or “kind of”, or “simply”. 

A word being on the list doesn’t mean it’s automatically removed. 

There’s nothing wrong with using the word “definitely”, or “in my experience”. 

What I’m looking for is an overuse of a word or phrase, which distracts from the point I’m making. 

Your list of words and phrases will be different: but you’re looking for words or phrases which:

🔁You repeat often (enough to notice)

- things like “remember”, “simply”, “absolutely” 

➕Add nothing more to the sentence (if you removed them, it would say the same thing)

- “After all, hiring your first employee is definitely a challenge” vs “Hiring your first employee is a challenge.”

💪Minimise the impact (without them, the statement has more power)

- “One of the best ways to protect your cash flow is to send deposit invoices” could be replaced with “Send deposit invoices”

Here’s my list. Yours will be different, but I encourage you to start one – even if it only has a few words on it so far! 

After all
At least
Be able to
In my / our experience
In order to
Kind of
….the rest of the list is in the full post (in comments)! 

✨Creative headspace goes out every Friday to your inbox, if you want it to! 💪💌✨

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