Tag Archives: strategy

How to identify your marketing strategy “themes”

How to identify your marketing strategy “themes” - Karen Reyburn

Marketing strategy can feel confusing – and even pointless sometimes.  Surely it’s mostly a bunch of talk, and if you have to go through it you will, but really you want to just get some marketing done. “Executed” is the marketing term, but I find that rather war-like and creepy sometimes, so I tend to

Cancelling things is a superhero skill

As business owners, we’re interested in trustworthiness. We want to be known as someone – and a company – who can be trusted; and we want to work with those who are the same.  We’re also (and I speak absolutely for myself here) stubborn to a point.  We can do it. We will do it.

Staged change rather than instant change


Change takes adjustment: for you and for others. Whether it’s helping the team change the way you do things at the firm, or sharing systems or price changes with clients, or scaling your business: trying to make the change instantly will likely be tough.  Instant change shocks you and surprises you. And you don’t know

Be brave, be brave, be brave: If you’re not sure you can do it, do it.

Be brave, be brave, be brave: If you’re not sure you can do it, do it.

Still on holiday this week (now I’m on the Isle of Skye).  So instead of a full Note, here’s a sketchnote from an event I went to, which gave me a great deal to think about as a business owner.  The topic was “strategy”, which can sound really boring. It’s been used and overused until