Category Archives: Plans & Strategy

How to identify your marketing strategy “themes”

How to identify your marketing strategy “themes” - Karen Reyburn

Marketing strategy can feel confusing – and even pointless sometimes.  Surely it’s mostly a bunch of talk, and if you have to go through it you will, but really you want to just get some marketing done. “Executed” is the marketing term, but I find that rather war-like and creepy sometimes, so I tend to

The connected circle of space, and speed

The connected circle of space, and speed - Karen Reyburn

“So I see you have values like creative space, and rest… but you also have impact and decisiveness,” an accountant said to me this week. “One is slow and measured; the other gives the sense of speed and movement. How do you see those fitting together?” What a great question. It’s one of my favourite

Back to the basics: your people, their need, your offer

Back to the basics: matching your people to your offer - Karen Reyburn

Your people. Your offer. And how your offer matches what those people need. That’s it, really. That’s marketing in a nutshell.  When I go through a series of “Foundations” sessions with a new client, this is ultimately what we’re digging into. We have four in-depth sessions, with a lot of questions. (My favourite is when

Maximum Viable Marketing: once the minimum has been tested, what next?

Maximum Viable Marketing: once the minimum has been tested, what next? - Karen Reyburn

I’ve spent some time recently talking about “minimum viable marketing”. You can read more about the concept here, but once you’ve made progress on the minimum viable, the smallest thing, the least…it’s time to look at the maximum viable. The biggest thing. The most.  The point of the “minimum viable” is to save time and

Win targets and dream targets

Win targets and dream targets - Karen Reyburn
  Setting targets is one thing. But what kind of target are you setting? How achievable is it, really? This one can be hard to estimate. I find myself thinking, “I need to go really ambitious, because if you have low targets you’ll just reach them, and I need to push myself!” Then reality appears

Do I need to block out a full day at a time to get marketing done?

KLR notes block out day 12-12-20

Right, you’re going to be serious now. You’re going to focus your energy and attention on marketing a bit more (maybe this is your 2021 plan).  But you know marketing always gets put off. You plan an hour or some time to “do marketing” and then you get emails and messages and phone calls and

Try sitting in the same place at the same time every day

KLR note Austin Kleon3 try sitting 16-05-20

The most significant change happens in small increments, day after day. Month after month, year after year. In the past year, I’ve lost over 52 pounds (almost 4 stone) by counting calories every single day. Walking, every single day. Cutting out sugar, and choosing not to eat it every single day. In the past 6

What do you do when your plans are changed for you?

quickbooks cancelled

This week (as you’ll know unless you were living under a rock or not using the internet), QBC London was cancelled out of “an over abundance of caution” with the current #coronavirus situation. Protecting people, just in case. Making that kind of decision in the first place has to be really hard. I’m sure they were discussing

I will not let the dark days (of winter) bring me down

It’s winter, and that means darkness. I live in Scotland, and in the summer it’s almost never dark at all. The sun comes up so early (and so calmly) that you hardly even notice – even if you stay up or get up to watch it, there’s just sort of a general lightening of the