When you tap into the creativity within, you tap into the child you….and sometimes the fears and resistances which come along with them. I was a guest on a podcast recently called “What’s your ‘and’?”. Everyone has an ‘and’, something they do or enjoy or create when they’re not working, and the podcast host, John Garrett,
Author Archives: Karen Reyburn
This week is the American holiday of Thanksgiving. As a dual British-American citizen, it’s still a holiday I celebrate here in Scotland, and it really is one of my favourite holidays of all. Because the premise is: things are (or have been) very hard, so you gather together with family, eat good food and lots of it, and you give thanks for it all. For the food, the family and friends and tribe, and all the good things you’ve received or experienced even through the hard times.
I’ve been having various levels of back pain for the past seven weeks. (Just in case you don’t read the full note: don’t worry. I’ve seen a doctor, several physios, and am doing the work, and it is getting better. It’s just slow. That’s sort of the point of the note.) When it first started,
Not long after I set up PF, I identified what I saw as the core foundational “pillars” of the company. Things I personally stood for and what I wanted the agency to stand for, too. Those are creativity, integrity, generosity, and rest. (For a while there was one called “service”, but I decided that was less of
We have to make sense of things. Somehow. And if things don’t make sense, or don’t fit, our brain will work on putting together the reason, the intentions, the story. We will literally make up a story in our own head to help us understand. We’ll say “oh, I see, they wrote that email in that
I’ve been thinking this week about the good things we receive through an experience of hard things. No matter how good the good thing is we receive through what’s hard…it doesn’t magically make the hard things good. Or transform them. Sometimes (most times) they’re bad in and of themselves. Things like Covid. And lockdown. And back
We don’t like change. No matter how we dress it up, even when sometimes it can feel adventurous or exciting or bold or brave, there’s still a part of us which is uncomfortable with any change, and therefore resists it. Some of us are more like that than others. Or perhaps what I mean is,
I read this sentence today and needed to pause to think about it for a little while. “There is more happening while we wait than just waiting.” The author was talking about how frustrating it is to wait. How weary we get, how cranky and frustrated and wishing it would be over – so we
Hello everyone! I’m back! Really actually missed writing these Notes, come to think of it. I like the routine and pattern, and I love the thoughtful replies I get and the good conversations it starts. Being off for three whole weeks, consecutively, has shown me a few things. Chief of which is that taking time
When ‘everything’ started back in March, I sort of naively imagined I’d get lots of reading done. I’d have all this time, I thought. I wouldn’t be traveling, I’d still get my work done at home and then I could just read and read and read. Didn’t happen that way, at all. Matter of fact