Category Archives: Karen’s Marketing Tips

A love letter to our ideal client: YOU, the accountant!

Sketch of envelope with pink love heart and "To ideal client"

Dear accountant, Hi. You are one of the most amazing people to exist in the business world. You’re aware of your skills, but you also think it might be a little dramatic to rave about you to this level. After all you know you’re good at your work, but you also are so impressed with

Build the rhythms of marketing into your business life

Build the rhythms of marketing into your business life - Karen Reyburn

If you want a new result from your marketing, building your own marketing rhythms will help get you there.  Many of you have read Atomic Habits. The big realisation for the author James Clear was that results aren’t driven only by the goals you set, they are connected to the systems you follow. Those habits,

“Grit” tasks vs excited tasks

Some of the things you need to do are fascinating, motivating.  Big picture, strategic kind of things. Delivering a presentation before a group of people who are interested to speak with you afterwards. Publishing a book. Hiring your first employee.  It’s also true for smaller tasks, connected to this kind of work. Even filling in

Book edit review notes

Book edit review notes - Karen Reyburn

We all use filler words in writing. We scramble around saying, “The point is, there are things which are definitely most important, which we need to make sure we do…” as opposed to “Do these things.”  It’s similar to filler statements when speaking. “Um…” “uhhh…” “I’m not sure…” “It’s sort of like the thing where…”

Using “What” instead of “Why” questions

Using “What” instead of “Why” questions - Karen Reyburn

When someone asks you, “Why?” about anything, it raises a little defensiveness.  Depending on the question and its impact on you or your life, their asking the question might raise a lot of defensiveness. Think about it. You tell someone, “I’m thinking of moving to Spain” and they say, “Oh really? Why?” Instantly your brain

Cancelling things is a superhero skill

As business owners, we’re interested in trustworthiness. We want to be known as someone – and a company – who can be trusted; and we want to work with those who are the same.  We’re also (and I speak absolutely for myself here) stubborn to a point.  We can do it. We will do it.

It doesn’t matter why the prospect didn’t come back to you

Following up on clients sales - Karen Reyburn

If the prospect doesn’t come back to you, the answer is not “Oh well, they weren’t that interested anyway.” The answer is “I need to keep following up until I get an answer”. There are endless reasons a prospect might not come back to you. Here are just a few.  They wanted a sense of

Learnings from a 100 day video challenge

Learnings from a 100 day video challenge - Karen Reyburn

On Tuesday of last week, I recorded my 100th consecutive video and shared it on Instagram.  I started the challenge on what felt like a whim. I was out for a walk on a Sunday morning, and was thinking about the power and impact of video. And how I often avoided it because my hair

The DIY course is here!

DIY video course is ready for you - Karen Reyburn - Accountants

Many of you have at least bought, and perhaps even started or read, The Accountant Marketer.  Reading it is one thing: actually doing things with it is another, and can take time. It’s been over six months since the book was published, and several times a week now I get messages from accountants who have