Category Archives: Karens Notes

Choose your own new year

Choose your own new year - Karen Reyburn
Happy new year… to me!! You may remember I decided to move my new year to my birthday (which is today). January is a cold, dark, wet, windy, wild month: and I had some recuperating to do from all the Christmas travels. (Here’s the LinkedIn post about it if you want to catch up on the whys

Seek for team harmony, not team unity

Seek for team harmony, not team unity - Karen Reyburn
` I was once asked to help teach a group of young people about singing in harmony. I wasn’t sure I was the best person to do this. Although I grew up singing at home and in church, and in small groups or choirs, it was all self taught - or rather, learned from listening

The cycle of book buying and reading (or not)

The cycle of book buying and reading (or not)- Karen Reyburn
  The “Book progression model” (or book disappearance model): 1. From the screen to your amazon basket (or order form) 2. Sits in the parcel for a few days 3. Out of the parcel and on to your desk - there it is! I’ll read it soon! 4. Moves to the “to be read’ pile because it’s been sitting

Win targets and dream targets

Win targets and dream targets - Karen Reyburn
  Setting targets is one thing. But what kind of target are you setting? How achievable is it, really? This one can be hard to estimate. I find myself thinking, “I need to go really ambitious, because if you have low targets you’ll just reach them, and I need to push myself!” Then reality appears

Book notes: Grit – the power of passion plus perseverance

There was a good bit I liked about this book, but ultimately I’m still left with questions about whether I fully agree with the book’s premise.  Which is that grit is made up of both passion and perseverance. It’s not just pressing on, or keeping going: it’s doing all of that in an area (or with a goal) which is