Tag Archives: The Accountant Marketer

The DIY course is here!

DIY video course is ready for you - Karen Reyburn - Accountants

Many of you have at least bought, and perhaps even started or read, The Accountant Marketer.  Reading it is one thing: actually doing things with it is another, and can take time. It’s been over six months since the book was published, and several times a week now I get messages from accountants who have

On book writing: it’s not for me, and it’s an identity crisis for me

book writing
Oh hey. Nice to see you again! A while back, I took a breather from writing these "Karen's Notes" so I could focus my writing energies on finishing the content for my book, The Accountant Marketer. I meant to be intentional about it, explain what was happening, set some time frames. Maybe I'd take three