“So I see you have values like creative space, and rest… but you also have impact and decisiveness,” an accountant said to me this week. “One is slow and measured; the other gives the sense of speed and movement. How do you see those fitting together?” What a great question. It’s one of my favourite
Category Archives: Sketchnotes
There are things you want which are on the other side of asking a direct question. “Could I be a guest on your podcast?” “Is there a speaking slot available for me?” “What do you think about working more in partnership?” “Are you ready to start?” We often take the side road, the hint, the
There was a good bit I liked about this book, but ultimately I’m still left with questions about whether I fully agree with the book’s premise. Which is that grit is made up of both passion and perseverance. It’s not just pressing on, or keeping going: it’s doing all of that in an area (or with a goal) which is
Another book which has affected my entire life, both the business and the personal, is Atomic Habits by James Clear. I’d had it recommended to me by many people, so it was another book which had been on my list for ages. As with many books “everybody” seems to be impressed by, I tend to
You’ve done it again. You’re in the middle of a project, and you’re focused and making it happen, when suddenly…. SQUIRREL! Like Dug in the film “Up”, your head swivels round, distracted, ready to dash off in the direction of a squirrel. A new, better project. Something more exciting, newer. None of this tired old
Once upon a time there was a human who owned a hoover. It wasn’t a particularly amazing hoover, but it more or less did the job. She’d run it round the house from time to time and it would pick up most of the dirt and mess, and sometimes she had to run it back
I’m willing to bet you’ve done this as often as I have – something comes up which is making progress, which could be momentous (in a small or great way), and you tell someone about it and they get really excited for and with you. “That’s so great! Oh my word! Amazing!” And then the
Okay I’m going to use my broken ankle as an example, again. Because it turns out this has become one of the most significant healing situations I’ve ever had to go through, so the analogies just keep coming. And part of how I process things is to relate them to what they mean and how
At my last visit to the fracture clinic, the doctor was telling me the things I could be doing to help stretch my ankle as it healed. I could move it forward and back. I could start walking without the big boot. There were exercises, and physio, and slow steps. “But no matter how much