Tag Archives: rest

You’re not “just tired”. There’s always something else.

24 series blank time

Some days, or parts of days, you’re just not productive. You’re not targeting your goals or firing on all cylinders or crushing it. You’re not reading impactful books or watching helpful documentaries. You’re not going to the gym or cooking a healthy meal or having insightful conversations.  You’re just…tired.  Or are you?  Are you ever

Go for a walk: Let all the thoughts swirl around and get outside of your head

swirling thoughts

Some mornings, I wake up with a lot of thoughts already swirling around in my head. It’s like I put them to the side when I went to bed, and the second I open my eyes (or before) they leap upon me again and fill my head before I even have time to grab coffee. 

Island Rules: Not everything will go your way (and that’s okay)

island mentality rest

“I like this island, because it slows you down whether you want to or not. The island itself literally won’t allow you to rush.”  My brother in law said this as we were driving along the winding, rutted, curving roads of Mull. The sea was crashing on our right, the sun glowing through the clouds

Crush it? Hustle? Work harder? Rest.

Crush it? Hustle? Work harder? Rest.

The answer to being more productive may not be more work.  It may be rest.  I know the value of hard work: and I really enjoy it. I love being a business owner and I’m even grateful for finding the line between business and personal to be rather blurry. That’s ok by me.  There are

Defend or dive deeper

Defend or dive deeper

When you identify something about yourself that’s different, something that tempts you to feel is “not as” (not as good , not the same as others), what do you do with that? Do you… …defend or …dive deeper? For the past year or so we’ve been talking within the PF team about the concept of

Rushing? Look up. Look out.

Rushing? Look up. Look out.

Everything rushes by so fast. The train. The cars. The meetings. The emails. The slack messages. The cities. All the people. The queue for coffee. (Okay that one maybe doesn’t move so fast cos we don’t have our coffee yet.) In the past week I’ve had a lot of opportunities to rush. Today, I was