Category Archives: Karens Notes

Crush it? Hustle? Work harder? Rest.

Crush it? Hustle? Work harder? Rest.

The answer to being more productive may not be more work.  It may be rest.  I know the value of hard work: and I really enjoy it. I love being a business owner and I’m even grateful for finding the line between business and personal to be rather blurry. That’s ok by me.  There are

The more healthy i am, the more healthy my business is.

The more healthy i am, the more healthy my business is.

The more healthy i am, the more healthy my business is. Last week i met with my accountant and we looked at the numbers for june (and July so far).  It was notable the increase in sales (and related profitability) of the business for the past few months. Specifically the last 14 weeks.  For those

Holiday Expectations: Will you “use” the time, or let it go by?

Holiday Expectations: Will you “use” the time, or let it go by?

Holiday can be hard to think about when you’re feeling a bit swamped.  You want it and are excited about it; you need it; but you may also be tempted to make sure you “use” your holiday time for thinking about the business. Planning. Writing some content.  Actually having headspace seems like a huge opportunity.

When you meet people “in person”, the conversation changes

When you meet people “in person”, the conversation changes

I set up my business as a 100% remote, virtual business.  I did this for efficiency reasons, for a lifestyle choice. I wanted to work from home. Have flexibility. Be able to go where I wanted to go and not be bound by an office.  Also, I don’t really work well in an office (I

The personal element has the greatest impact

The personal element has the greatest impact

“You need to have the machine, and you also need the human element.”  My friend and fellow business owner Paul said that to me when we were meeting over breakfast.  We were talking about the Accelerator course we deliver for accountants. I created it several years ago and it’s gone through a few iterations, but

But what if I get TOO inspired?

But what if I get TOO inspired?

Sometimes I put off reading (or watching, or attending, or doing) something…and when I evaluate it, my avoidance is because I’m actually worried about how inspired I will be. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous. Don’t I WANT to be inspired? Isn’t inspiration a great thing? It is a great thing….but it can also feel

Now it is time to finish (your writing).

Now it is time to finish (your writing).

Waiting to publish is the killer. It’s the killer of new business, of great conversations with prospects, of enthusiasm and progress and the change you’re trying to make in your business. It’s a killer because the potential is there – it’s right there!! But those who need to see it aren’t seeing it, because you’re….waiting.

You don’t have to wait for the time to write. You already have it.

You don’t have to wait for the time to write. You already have it.

You have the time to write. You just don’t recognise it for what it is. Perhaps in your mind, you expect it to look a certain way: quiet, comfortable, in a soft chair looking out to the sea with birds chirping outside… when in reality it’s probably more like typing with two thumbs while walking

What makes one tweet better than another?

What makes one tweet better than another?

This week I shared a tweet which got (so far) 62 likes and 18 retweets, which for me puts it as the second most popular tweet I’ve ever put out there. The front runner still (and possibly always) is the famous Harry Potter tweet which I shared from Kings Cross (with over 202k views, 1042