Tag Archives: consistency

It doesn’t matter why the prospect didn’t come back to you

Following up on clients sales - Karen Reyburn

If the prospect doesn’t come back to you, the answer is not “Oh well, they weren’t that interested anyway.” The answer is “I need to keep following up until I get an answer”. There are endless reasons a prospect might not come back to you. Here are just a few.  They wanted a sense of

Learnings from a 100 day video challenge

Learnings from a 100 day video challenge - Karen Reyburn

On Tuesday of last week, I recorded my 100th consecutive video and shared it on Instagram.  I started the challenge on what felt like a whim. I was out for a walk on a Sunday morning, and was thinking about the power and impact of video. And how I often avoided it because my hair

What makes one tweet better than another?

What makes one tweet better than another?

This week I shared a tweet which got (so far) 62 likes and 18 retweets, which for me puts it as the second most popular tweet I’ve ever put out there. The front runner still (and possibly always) is the famous Harry Potter tweet which I shared from Kings Cross (with over 202k views, 1042