Category Archives: Karens Notes

The breakthroughs don’t always come when you think they will

brick wall sketch with hole and blue sky visible

Okay I’m going to use my broken ankle as an example, again. Because it turns out this has become one of the most significant healing situations I’ve ever had to go through, so the analogies just keep coming. And part of how I process things is to relate them to what they mean and how

Good marketing, like good whisky, takes time

The making of Scottish whisky has long fascinated me. The simplicity of the ingredients, the patience required at every stage of the process, the hundreds of years of doing something the same way. Nothing churned out, nothing rushed. Good things take time. Conceptually, it makes sense. Better done right than done rushed. Invest well at

Planning is everything (and then it’s easy)


This week I finished the DIY project of my downstairs bathroom. When I say “DIY”, this means “I hired a joiner to completely renovate the entire room and then I painted it”, which I say counts. But actually that was part of the problem. I figured once the joiner had come in to strip the

The (un)awkward silence: leaving space for people to think

We had a training session at PF this week on using more “definitive language”. Examples included “We believe” or “I get it” or “This works because…” You use them in place of vague, rambly language. The kind which expresses uncertainty: “I think” “I”m not sure if that’s the best” “Here’s what worries me” “Just” “Sort