Category Archives: Karen’s Marketing Tips

What fills your cup?

What fills your cup?
Knowing what really makes you come alive, fills your cup…that can be hard to tell sometimes. After all, things can feel a bit heavy at times. Things with clients, with team members, with family members, with yourself. Grey and cloudy and rainy weather. Prices going up, up, up everywhere you look (even in your own

Accountability doesn’t mean you get everything done

Accountability doesn’t mean you get everything done - Karen Reyburn
Every month I hold one-to-one coaching calls with accountants who have either a big project they want to make progress on, or a series of small tasks they keep putting off.  Either way, their momentum calls are just that: the space for them to build momentum. Get shit done.  There’s always a point - usually

Minimum viable marketing: Get the audience and message right first

Minimum viable marketing - Karen Reyburn
“Okay I’m going to create this PDF guide…but obviously I’ll also need some automation and follow up emails for everyone who downloads it, so I’d better get started on that first!” Our entrepreneur-brain is rigged to think very optimistically about our Great New Idea. If we think of creating a PDF guide (or training course

Signed out AMA (Against Marketing Advice)

Karen Reyburn - Have you ever gone Marketing AMA? Discover how choosing unconventional marketing strategies can impact your accounting firm.
` I’ve been watching Grey’s Anatomy recently (with the lofty and noble goal of finally finishing all seasons, only to discover it’s nowhere near done and a new season starts this week). And at times on the show, a doctor notices an issue or suggests a course of treatment and the person says no, I

Rushing? Look up. Look out.

Rushing? Look up. Look out.

Everything rushes by so fast. The train. The cars. The meetings. The emails. The slack messages. The cities. All the people. The queue for coffee. (Okay that one maybe doesn’t move so fast cos we don’t have our coffee yet.) In the past week I’ve had a lot of opportunities to rush. Today, I was

Sometimes you need to just get started.

Karens notes sketchnote

Sometimes you need to just get started. And sometimes you need to just stop. Last week I spent five days on the Isle of Mull. It’s my favourite place of rest, of beauty, of refreshment, of quiet and peace. And although I told myself I would simply sit by the fire and read books and